Job Training,Skill Enhancing --Eastshine WMS System Skills and Technology Competition

Members of the WMS project team of Eastshine Project 2 gathered on a weedend,on 8 January 2022. The WMS implementation,operation and maintenance technical competition was held at the headquarters conference room, in order to deepen the construction of a learning organization, continuously train and reserve highly skilled personnel, stimulate staff growth and implement the implementation of skills upgrading for the O&M team.

In the early stage of the competition, after careful planning and preparation, the four tutors created a question bank and sent the test materials to the participants in advance, so that they could participate in this competition with more adequate preparation. This competition involves four aspects of WMS system implementation and operation and maintenance, covering four dimensions: advanced programming, SAP to WMS logic, PMP project management and PDA operation.

Liu Yongnan, the chief instructor of this skill competition, carefully designed the topic and process of the competition. The competition has divided the participants into three teams:  Team Chaoyue, Team Wangwang,and Team Wolongfengchu. From the name of the team, it can be seen that each team member has three words written on the face - can not lose!

This competition is based on teams and is divided into four parts: individual answering in turn, individual quick answering, group answering and group actual combat.


The atmosphere of the game was tense and lively. You chased me with the score. The team members were either concentrating on their thoughts or thinking about it.When it was the teammate's turn to answer the question, everyone held their breaths and sweated secretly. If they answered correctly, they heard the cheers of their teammates. If they were wrong, everyone laughed in good faith. Team Chaoyue started slightly behind, but in the final cooperation and practical operation, they recovered the score steadily, and finally won the championship with the first total score.Team Wolongfengchu won the runner-up with a small number but high quality style. In the final installation part, Team Wangwang won the third place with a difference of one point from the total score due to the problem of the installation package taking too much time.

In the end, according to the on-site performance, Zhou Cong, the captain of the Team Wangwang, won the Outstanding Captain Award; and Zhou Lu of Team Chaoyue, won the Outstanding Individual Award.

After the big competition, Jia Wentao, manager of the Project Two department, presented the team award, the outstanding captain award and the outstanding individual award.


Although the technical competition has come to an end temporarily, the idea of pursuing high standards, high requirements and high skills has never stopped in Eastshine.This technical competition provides employees with an opportunity to communicate with each other, learn from each other, and compete on the same stage.It fully mobilized the enthusiasm of each employee, greatly encouraged morale, enhanced the sense of competition and teamwork, further expanded their knowledge and improved their skills.During the competition, they showed high standards of Eastshine, which enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the team.

Eastshine Competition, next time will be even better!

Contributor:Ruby Wang

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