LAC task scheduling center solution
Based on the information returned from labels, the INTELLIGENT scheduling center of the LAC calculates the location of the target information in real time to locate and control personnel, materials, and transportation vehicles.

Take the automobile manufacturing industry as an example. Different products are produced on the same production line in the factory, which is a common situation in the automobile manufacturing industry. However, product manufacturing with such complex process management will be extremely challenging:

· How to prevent the vehicle from making mistakes in different combinations?

· How to ensure that the materials transported are the materials required for assembly?

· How to ensure that asset tools are in the right place at the right time with zero error?

Based on the information returned from labels, the INTELLIGENT scheduling center of the LAC calculates the location of the target information in real time to locate and control personnel, materials, and transportation vehicles. The system fully considers the particularity of the site and the actual demand.

The LAC provides the following functions and features:

· Connect all upstream and downstream software systems through software adapters;

· Connect all hardware devices through a hardware adapter;

· Custom instruction set template dynamically coordinates hardware and software resources;

· The intelligent scheduling center realizes optimal scheduling of hardware and software resources through scheduling algorithm configuration;

· LAC scheduling process:

  · Sends the service system to the LAC

  · LAC Checks whether the command invokes the hardware or software adapter

  · The hardware or external system sends the result to the LAC

  · LAC callback service system

  · Sends the command to the LAC again

  · The LAC determines whether the flow succeeds or fails

     Succeed will ends directly

     If fails, the hard and soft adapters will be invoked again




· Strategies Configuration

   Various strategies can be selected, including shelving strategy, wave strategy, task allocation strategy and shelf validation strategy.

· Dynamic interface

   Integrated ERP, QMS, APS, AMP, ASRS, TMS and other systems;

   Supports intermediate table, REST, Socket, message queue, WebService, FTP and other data transmission modes.

· Custom plug-ins

   Support Jar package, micro-service plug-in, standardized development interface, script personalized development and customization, plug and play, rapid deployment.


Successful cases
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