Shanghai's three-year action Plan to promote high-quality development of manufacturing industry (2023-2025)

This action plan is formulated in order to further implement the strategy of making China a strong country by manufacturing, give full play to the basic supporting role of the manufacturing industry in the city's economic development and innovation transformation, take the lead in exploring a new path of industrialization with the characteristics of a new era, strive to create a high-end manufacturing growth pole, and accelerate the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. 

I. Main objectives 

By 2025, the "2+ (3+6) + (4+5)" modern industrial system will be continuously consolidated, with the added industrial value exceeding 1.3 trillion yuan, accounting for more than 25% of the regional GDP, industrial investment growing at an average annual rate of 5%, and the function of the manufacturing industry in supporting the city's economic development significantly enhanced. 

-- The leading role of high-end manufacturing will be greatly enhanced. The output value of strategic emerging industrial industries accounted for 45 percent of the total output value of industries above designated size, industrial labor productivity exceeded 500,000 yuan per person, and the total scale of the three leading industries reached 1.8 trillion yuan. 

-- The source of independent innovation has been significantly enhanced. Breakthroughs were made in a number of key areas, industrial chains and supply chains became more independent and controllable, and key manufacturing enterprises invested more than 2.5% in research and development. 

-- Marked progress has been made in promoting digital and green transformation. More than 80 percent of manufacturing enterprises above designated size have achieved digital transformation, the use density of industrial robots has reached 360 units per 10,000 people, and energy consumption per unit of added value in industries above designated size has continued to decline. 

-- The vitality and competitiveness of enterprises have been improved. An echelon growth system has been formed with the focus on pilot enterprises, science and technology enterprises, and "specialized and special new" enterprises, and the group of outstanding manufacturing enterprises has continued to develop and grow.

Second, key tasks 

1. Upgrading the strong chain 

1. Build world-class industrial clusters. We will formulate a new round of development plans for the three leading industries and build world-class industrial clusters. We will accelerate research and development in key aspects of integrated circuits, and promote innovation and integrated development of next-generation technologies. We will expand cutting-edge fields such as biomedical gene and cell therapy, and synthetic biology, and build platforms for collaborative research and innovation among medical enterprises and bases for integrating production and medicine. Aiming at the frontier of artificial intelligence technology, we will build a general large-scale model, develop an industrial ecology for vertical fields, build an international algorithm innovation base, and accelerate the innovation and development of humanoid robots. (Responsible unit: Municipal Economic Informatization Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission) 

2. We will consolidate and upgrade key competitive industries. We will create four trillion-scale industrial clusters for electronic information, life and health, automobiles, and high-end equipment, and two 500-trillion-scale industrial clusters for advanced materials and fashion consumer goods. We will foster a number of hundred-billion-scale industries in such sub-sectors as civil aviation, high-end shipping, and high- end medical devices, and actively create clusters of national advanced manufacturing and strategic emerging industries. It will upgrade the energy level of the electronic information industry, and build major projects and innovation platforms in new displays and smart sensors. We will develop new life and health industries such as smart medicine and precision medicine. We will accelerate the development of popular new-energy vehicle products and expand demonstration applications of fuel cell vehicles. We will accelerate the development of large aircraft, aviation engines, LNG carriers, large cruise ships and other industries, and build a global power city. Innovative carriers such as large-tow carbon fiber, membrane materials, composite materials and superconductivity will be distributed, and pilot bases for new materials will be built. We will launch fashion consumer products such as fashion products and makeup beauty products to lead new consumption trends. (Responsible unit: Municipal Economic Informatization Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Commerce Commission) 

3. Lay out new racetracks and industries of the future. We will implement the action plan of " Four new racetracks" and "Five future Industries", develop new digital economy such as blockchain and Web3.0, promote major applications in the meta-universe, develop green and low-carbon fields such as carbon capture and utilization, "ammoni-hydrogen" and efficient energy storage, and build terminal brands such as smart connected cars, smart robots, smart wearables and virtual displays. We will accelerate the layout of future industrial segments, and build future industrial pilot zones such as Zhangjiang, Lingang and Big Zero Bay. (Responsible units: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Shanghai Science Foundation, Administrative Committee of Lingang New Area, Minhang District Government) 

4. Improve the resilience and security of industrial and supply chains. We will build 10 iconic industrial chains that are dominant in subdivided sectors, and strengthen chains by reinforcing them with one approach. We will implement the car-core linkage project, improve chip supply capacity, build a special zone for electronic chemicals, and strengthen the chain stability of key materials and components. We will carry out a new round of technological upgrading plan, and carry out 1,800 technological upgrading projects every year. (Responsible units: Municipal Economic Informatization Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Chemical Industry District Administrative Committee) 

5. Cultivate and strengthen professional service organizations. We will expand the spillover effects of platforms such as import expos and industrial expos, leverage the functions of various specialized platforms, and promote the integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries. More than 20 municipal service-based manufacturing enterprise platforms are selected every year, and more than 50 municipal design innovation centers are added every year. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Economic Informatization Commission, Municipal Commerce Commission) 

(2) Strong foundation building bottom action 

6. Strengthen research in key and core technologies. We will accelerate major national and city-level science and technology projects, introduce action plans to support scientific and technological innovation and research in frontier areas, and carry out a number of key tasks. We carried out projects to rebuild the industrial base and tackle key technologies and equipment, and carried out more than 100 key projects every year. By 2025, more than 250 projects will be carried out to promote the industrialization of basic parts and components, the demonstration and application of basic materials, and the development of large-scale basic industrial software. (Responsible unit: Municipal Economic Informatization Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission) 

7. Building an industrial innovation carrier. We will accelerate the construction of manufacturing innovation centers, technological innovation centers and industrial innovation centers, upgrade the development level of national manufacturing innovation centers for integrated circuits and smart sensors, create a number of national and municipal platforms in basic components, advanced materials, high-end equipment and other fields, and build about 20 manufacturing innovation centers at or above the municipal level. We will support the construction of new research and development institutions, encourage "chain owner" enterprises to take the lead in establishing open innovation consortiums, and introduce 25 new foreign-funded R&D centers and over 300 new national and city-level enterprise technology centers every year. (Responsible units: Municipal Economic Informatization Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Commerce Commission, District governments) 

8. Strengthen quality brand building. A number of projects have been carried out to tackle the quality of industrial chains and supply chains, and the number of quality benchmarking enterprises in China has exceeded 50. We carried out inspection and testing activities to promote industrial optimization and upgrading, and set up about 10 new industrial measurement and testing centers and product quality inspection and testing centers. We have formulated a number of "Shanghai Standards" for high-end manufacturing, promoted more enterprises and products to enter the "ShanghaiBrand" certification, and selected about 30 municipal brand leading and cultivating demonstration enterprises every year. We will give full play to the role of green channels for patent and trademark review, and promote efficient IPR protection for new technologies and products. (Responsible unit: Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Municipal Economic Informatization Commission, Municipal Intellectual Property Office) 

(3) Digital adjustment action 

9. Accelerating the digital transformation of traditional manufacturing industries. We will encourage traditional manufacturing enterprises to speed up the application of robots, the networking of equipment and the digital connectivity of production processes, and enable 400,000 small and medium-sized enterprises to access cloud platforms. We will accelerate the deployment of 5G private networks, gigabit optical networks, and computing platforms for industrial scenarios, achieve full coverage of dual-gigabit networks in key industrial enterprises and industrial parks, and build industrial 5G private networks in civil aviation and other fields.We will make good use of "computing vouchers" to support eligible enterprises in purchasing computing services.(Responsible unit: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, district governments) 

10. Accelerate the construction of smart factories. We will implement the smart factory pilot plan, formulate the "one factory, one plan" build ,20 benchmark smart factories and 200 demonstration smart factories, and add at least 20,000 industrial robots to the application system. It has innovated "smart evaluation vouchers" .to provide enterprises with evaluation, diagnosis, transformation and upgrading services We will build a public service platform for a new type of intelligent manufacturing information infrastructure, and build a service system that quickly matches supply and demand. (Responsible unit: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, District governments) 

11. Deepen the application of the industrial Internet. We will implement the "Industrial Power Shanghai" action plan, build 30 industry-specific industrial Internet benchmarking platforms, and cultivate about three cross-industry and cross-field industrial Internet platforms. It will gradually cultivate 40 "industrial finance chain master" enterprises to provide digital transformation group-style services for enterprises in the industrial chain.We will accelerate innovation and application of industrial space, and build industrial space platforms in areas such as civil aviation and fashion consumer goods. (Responsible unit: Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, district governments) 

(4) Green leading action 

12. Accelerate research, development and application of green and low-carbon technologies. We will accelerate innovation in low-carbon, zero-carbon-negative technologies in hydrogen energy, high-end energy equipment, and low-carbon metallurgy, and make breakthroughs in common key technologies and advanced equipment for major energy conservation. We will carry out carbon footprint accounting and carbon efficiency evaluation of products, and promote the carbon emission of a number of innovative products to the world's leading level. (Responsible units: Municipal Economic Information Technology Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment) 

13. Promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in key industries. We will implement the plan for peaking industrial carbon, and implement the "100" ,action plan for energy conservation and carbon reduction with an average annual energy saving of1%. We will carry out a number of energy saving and carbon reduction technological transformation projects in key areas such as steel and chemical industry, and build Baowu carbon-neutral Industrial Park and green low-carbon demonstration Park in the chemical Industry Zone. We will continue to adjust the industrial structure, shutting down about 500 outdated production facilities every year. (Responsible units: Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment, Administrative Committee of Chemical Industry District, district governments) 

14. Improve the green manufacturing system. Establish a green manufacturing standard system, carry out green and low-carbon evaluation and demonstration in key areas, establish 150 green manufacturing demonstration units and 15 zero-carbon demonstration units, form 10 representative green supply chains, cultivate10 green design demonstration enterprises, and build a number of "super energy efficiency" and "zero-carbon" factories against international standards. China will continue to carry out green and low-carbon upgrading of industrial parks. (Responsible unit: Municipal Economic Information Technology Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission) 

(5) Enterprise growth action 

15. Build a first-class pilot enterprise. We will implement the pilot enterprise cultivation plan, add about 15 manufacturing enterprises with an output value of more than 10 billion yuan, and dynamically cultivate about 50 leading enterprises. We will introduce and cultivate various manufacturing headquarters, and support the identification of innovative enterprise headquarters. We will encourage state-owned enterprises to increase investment in major industrial projects, and increase investment in key technological breakthroughs and technological upgrading. We will support efforts to speed up the development of world- class enterprises. (Responsible units: Municipal Economic Informatization Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal SASAC, Municipal Commission of Commerce, district governments) 

16. Expand the ranks of science and technology enterprises. We will accelerate the introduction and cultivation of high-tech enterprises with high market share, cultivate about 50 "unicorn" and 100 "gazelle" manufacturing enterprises, over 25,000 high-tech enterprises, and 100,000 innovative small and medium- sized enterprises. It supports the listing of science and technology enterprises, and promotes the listing of more than 100 enterprises in the city on the science and Technology Innovation Board. (Responsible units: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau, district governments) 

17. Strengthen the cluster of "specialized and special new" .enterprises We will implement the "specialized specialized and specialized new" enterprise cultivation plan to promote small and medium-sized enterprises to enhance their competitiveness. The number of municipal "specialized and specialized new" enterprises will reach 10,000, the number of national specialized and specialized and specialized new "little giants" will reach1,000, the number of individual champion enterprises and products in the manufacturing industry will reach 50, and strive to create about 10 national clusters with characteristics. (Responsible unit: Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, district government) 

18. Push smes to "small upgauge" .Special support and services are provided to enterprises to raise their " small standards", and about1,000 new industrial enterprises are added to the standards every year. Make good use of the " growth voucher" to promote the development of"small ascending regulation" enterprises into "specialized and special new" enterprises. (Responsible unit: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, district governments) 

(6) Space expansion action 

19. Optimize the spatial layout of major industrial projects. We will give full play to the guiding role of the "industrial map"in promoting investment, and promote the coordination between the "one pole and three belts " layout of the manufacturing industry and the urban spatial pattern. Do a good job in the service guarantee of the whole process of the project, promote the construction of 10 major industrial projects with a total investment of more than 10 billion yuan, 50 with a total investment of more than 5 billion yuan, and 1,000 with a total investment of more than 100 million yuan, and create industrial landmarks with visual degree. (Responsible unit: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, district governments) 

20. Build key regional growth poles. To promote Pudong New Area to build a world-class innovative industrial cluster, and further strengthen support for the city's manufacturing industry. To promote the development of frontier industries in the new area of Lingang, and the average annual industrial output value hasincreased bymorethan20%.To promotethe"Fivenewcities"anddeepentheconstructionof"onecity and one park", Jiading New City, Qingpu New City, Songjiang New City and Fengxian New City have an average annual growth rate of industrial output valuemore than 2 percentage points higher than the whole city. Baoshan District and Jinshan District were promoted to accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading, and the increment of industrial output value accounted for more than 20% of the city's increment. (Responsible units: Pudong New Area Government, Lingang New Area Administrative Committee, Jiading District Government, Qingpu District Government, Songjiang District Government, Fengxian District Government, Baoshan District Government, Jinshan District Government) 

21. Building Industrial Park Version 2.0. We will build characteristic industrial parks with high standards, integrate science and technology chains, industrial chains, capital chains, and human resources chains, improve hardware and software support, and accelerate the development of clusters, ecosystems, and integration. The number of municipal characteristic industrial parks has reached about 60. It has formulated guidelines and technical standards for the classification,of "industrial upstairs" industries promoted the vertical development of manufacturing space in industrial parks, and built comprehensive factories with multiple functions.(Responsible unit: Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Planning and Resources, district governments) 

22. Revitalize inefficient industrial land. We will regularly conduct surveys and evaluations on the efficiency of resource utilization, form a list of land used for inefficient industries, and promote the withdrawal of land used for inefficient industries and the introduction of high-quality industrial projects by means of reduction, land purchase and storage, market compensation, and park repurchase. All districts should increase financial support for the revitalization of land used for inefficient industries. We will encourage central and state-owned enterprises to accelerate the utilization of existing land resources. (Responsible units: District government, Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Planning and Resources, Municipal SASAC) 

Third, safeguard measures 

1. Improve the mechanism for promoting work 

Give full play to the role of the municipal leadership in contacting key industries and major projects, and rely on the municipal leading group for high-quality development of manufacturing industry to improve the work promotion mechanism. The relevant departments at the municipal level formed a joint force, and the district government formulated a supporting plan in accordance with the actual situation, implemented the objectives and tasks of stable industrial growth and stable investment, and strengthened supervision and assessment. Strengthen the statistical work of the manufacturing industry in accordance with the law, and do a good job in enterprise services. (Responsible unit: Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Statistics, district governments) 

(2) Strengthen the comprehensive guarantee of factors 

We will guide more resources and factors of production to converge on advanced manufacturing. We will build big data platforms for civil aviation, smart connected vehicles and other industries, and leverage the empowerment of high-quality industrial data sets. We will strengthen factor indicators to ensure that major industrial projects are fully guaranteed, and ensure that the scale of industrial land is not less than 10,000 mu each year by improving quality and efficiency, revitalizing inventory, urban renewal, and transferring land. We will explore ways to simplify the process of pilot projects while complying with laws related to safety and environmental protection. We will give full play to the role of financial funds at the municipal and district levels, and increase our focus on advanced manufacturing. (Responsible units: Municipal Economic Information Technology Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, Municipal Emergency Response Bureau, Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, District governments) 

(3) Enhance the level of internal and external openness 

We will integrate high-standard international economic and trade rules into the global industrial and innovation network. We will increase the attraction and utilization of foreign investment in the manufacturing sector, improve the service mechanism for major foreign-funded projects, and support the accelerated construction and operation of foreign-funded projects through the "green channel" and the specialist service system.To organize the city's manufacturing enterprises to actively explore the international market, and deepen the cooperation of key industrial chains in the Yangtze River Delta. To carry forward Shanghai's industrial culture, accelerate the construction of Shanghai Industrial Museum, and strive to become a national industrial museum. (Responsible units: Municipal Commission of Commerce, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Economic Informatization Commission, District governments) 

(4) Strengthen financial services for science and technology 

We will encourage financial institutions to make innovations to support the financing needs of manufacturing enterprises, and expand credit loans, financial leasing, and medium - and long-term loans to the manufacturing sector. We will explore pilot projects for a high-level cycle of "industry, technology and finance" .in the Yangtze River Delta We will give full play to the role of state and municipal government- managed industrial funds and state-owned investment funds, strengthen the linkage between investment and investment, strengthen support for the early development and subsequent industrialization of science and technology enterprises in the manufacturing industry, and continue to amplify the effect of investment funds for industrial transformation and upgrading. (Responsible unit: Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal SASAC) 

(5) Strengthen the support of industrial talents. We will improve the hierarchical training structure for peak industrial talents, leading industrial talents, and industrial craftsmen, accelerate the introduction of top talents, train outstanding engineers and highly skilled personnel, establish modern industrial colleges and craftsmen colleges, support outstanding talents in applying for high-level training programs for " industrial elites," and provide special incentives to industrial talents in key areasWe will promote the large-scale growth of talents in the three leading industries, and build a highland of high-level industrial talents. (Responsible units: Municipal Organization Department, Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Education Commission, Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Assets Supervision and Administration Commission) 


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