Cases of PTL electron picking
PTL system is an important means of paperless logistics and intelligent logistics of BBAC. PBL system needs to be connected with production line PLC and PLUS system (production execution system) to obtain the corresponding picking task.

Customer Demand:

PTL system is an important means of paperless logistics and intelligent logistics of BBAC. PBL system needs to be connected with production line PLC and PLUS system (production execution system) to obtain the corresponding picking task. The distribution of picking tasks is triggered by RFID, and the way of task distribution varies according to the characteristics of different picking areas. PBL system through the label controller (shang Shang, Iou represented) light up, put out the corresponding label lamp, guide the pickers to complete the task of picking.

PTL system is mainly divided into three parts:

·Intelligent interface service: interact with PLC and PLUS system to obtain picking task, but PLUS system adopts different communication strategy for each factory, so the interface service needs to be able to freely switch corresponding strategy

·Basic data maintenance service: to maintain the basic data of PBL system, including permission control, area management, parts management, label management, controller management, station management, task management, basic data query, etc

·Station procedure: according to the characteristics of different picking areas, the implementation of the corresponding picking logic.

Overall planning and design: soft environment design and construction, according to the customer room architecture, site area, multi-system integration and other aspects of comprehensive consideration, from the server cluster construction, application interface design, site weakness layout, equipment installation design and other all-round, three-dimensional layout, to provide customers with integrated solutions.


· Site planning

  Logistics route and site selection and distribution operation location definition, rationalize the optimal layout of people, machines and materials;

  Dial lever label lamp, needle type installation, digital real-time display, high sensitivity dial lever induction;

  Highly integrated multi-system, seamless docking of PTL docking task Plus system, AGV scheduling, RFID control door, etc. 


· Business Coverage area

  PTL covers all automatic sorting and distribution areas of the vehicle engine, front drive, rear drive and door panel;

  Achieve precise placement of vehicle assembly materials, task, region, material, production plan of the whole link information control;

  According to the actual business needs of different customers, PTL has expanded to cover many large manufacturing enterprises in China;

  Based on I3Plus platform, realize platform construction, synchronous docking of WMS, MES, QMS, TMS, AMP, ERP and other system integration.


· PTL picking strategy

  Pick tasks are automatically generated according to production plan tasks

  Automatically assign picking tasks to corresponding areas according to site area setting;

  PTL picking and distribution area automatically obtain tasks and light target materials, and through sound, light and digital prompt;

  Automatic scheduling of AGV to the distribution area, automatic logistics distribution, and through RFID identification and synchronous distribution status;

  Precise control of materials to achieve automatic control docking of regional safety door, greatly reduce the risk of manual control of safety parts, accurate tracking of logistics status and flow.


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