Yanfeng Johnson Factory ANDON system case
Strengthen the management of workshop production organization process, visual information, rapid inf

I.  Customer introduction:

Yanfeng Johnson serves major Chinese automobile manufacturers and is a leader in the automotive seating industry in China.

II. Customer needs:The purpose of implementing the system:

1. Strengthen the management of workshop production organization process, visual information, rapid information transmission, transparent process, improve production organization efficiency, reduce production cost and stabilize product quality. As the core tool of lean production management system, this system can realize fast information transfer, quick response of application call, real-time recording of call information, real-time display of production line and equipment status, complete statistical report analysis. Real-time information exchange and management of operation positions, equipment status, quality issues, material supply and other processes, support the improvement of the whole process of production management process system.

2. Collect data and identify bottleneck positions. Timely transfer of production status information in the process of operation, processing, storage and management of on-site production status data collected in real time, providing data support for lean production management analysis, and providing targets and directions for continuous improvement in the later period.

3. Quickly and efficiently realize the call scheduling of production personnel, improve production efficiency, and prevent defects in the operation process or enter the next process.

System functions:

1. Station operation management -- wireless station call; Centralized event call.

2, equipment operation management -- fault, operation status, maintenance information.

3, information visual management -- through Andon kanban, display call information, fault information, stop line information.

4, material call - through the material display screen, display material call information.

5. Quality call -- Call quality information through broadcast.

6, equipment call - when equipment failure, through the broadcast call.

7, maintenance call management -- through maintenance Andon kanban, display maintenance information

8. Public information management -- display all kinds of public information through information display screen.

9, equipment emergency stop -- through Andon terminal, Conduct equipment emergency stop.

Effect after implementation of Andon system:

A: Intuitive display:

The real-time operation status of products in the production process can be displayed directly on the production site and management area through large screen display or other unified methods. You can directly see the production of the product because of which or which operation stations can not continue to the next beat. It allows operators and managers to quickly understand the real-time status of current product production or assembly at any time.

B: Responsibility record:

When something abnormal occurs in the production or assembly process, it will affect the production of the product when the operator presses the safety light button, the system records and archives the abnormal time, and stores the data for future inquiry and analysis. The production management system automatically collects and stores data related to the occurrence time, person responsible for handling the exception, and result of handling the exception, so as to confirm the final handling result of each exception and its impact on product production or assembly.

C: Continuous bottleneck positioning:

The system keeps the real-time state of the product production or assembly process, and displays the operation station that has the greatest influence on the product production or assembly at any time. After process adjustment or improvement, the current bottleneck of product production or assembly is still identified. With each bottleneck solved or improved, to maximize the purpose of improving the production efficiency of products. The system can automatically analyze the abnormal time and locate the bottleneck process, or manually mark the bottleneck process.

D: Statistical analysis of production status:

The system automatically collects all kinds of data related to product production or assembly every day and transfers them to the server for storage. Therefore, you can query and analyze the production data of a week, a month or even a year at any time. Facilitate better improvement of product production technology. With the help of production management system, you can know the real-time dynamic of production or assembly of a product at any time. Through product production process analysis, timely find the factors that affect the improvement of product production or assembly efficiency, so as to achieve the purpose of improving product production efficiency, to achieve a leading position in the industry.


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